Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week of August 19-25

Sun: 16 total; with 10 mile race (1:03:56, 6:24 pace); Cycle 7
Mon: 4 E; swim 1000
Tue: 8 E; Cycle 10
Wed: 3 E
Thur: 6.5 E (trails)
Fri: 3.5 E
Sat: 21 long run on hills.

62 miles

A scheduled recovery week with no speed session. A good thing, since the tune-up race left me with some lingering fatigue. One final comment regarding the 10M race -- my T-pace sessions of the last couple weeks were run at 6:30-6:35 pace. In the race, I was able to hold 6:30-ish, steadily increasing the pace in the second half. Last three miles averaged 6:08 pace.

Makes me wonder if I am running my T-pace a bit slow.

Saturday's long run was only supposed to be 19, but got lost on the trails, and ran 2 extra miles depleted for an extra 20 minutes. I needed a depletion run like this. Having to suck it up on empty = good mental training? The course: Hinckley Reservation 10 mile road loop + 11 miles of trails.

My schedule has changed and I will not travel to Oregon in October. What a great consolation that I will join my training buddies for the group's goal race at the Steamtown Marathon on October 7th.

Six weeks to go.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week of August 12-18

Sun: 7 E. Cycle 8.
Mon: 4 E. Swim 1000.
Tue: 9 E. Cycle 10.
Wed: 5 E.
Thur: 9.5 Miles, with 5.5 at T-pace (7x 5min; with 1 min recoveries) T=6:32
Fri: 4 E
Sat: 5 E. Cooled down with 6x strides. Cycle 9.

Run: 43.5
Cycle: 27
Swim: 1000m

And since my weeks are Sun-Sat, a little spoiler for next week:

Today's 10M race in 1:03:56 (6:24) -- Based on my recent training paces, I went into race thinking 6:35s and hold for as long as possible. I found myself there, and then some. Had some gas in the tank and averaged 6:08 over last 3 miles.

Now 7 weeks left to go.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week of August 5-11

Sun: Run 14 E
Mon: 4 E, Swim 2000 yds
Tue: 9 (with 3mi @ T), Cycle 11
Wed: 5 E, Cycle 9
Thur: 9.5 T (3x 10min @ T-pace; with 2 min recoveries) T = 6:36
Fri: Rest
Sat: 14 E, Cycle 7, Swim 1000 yds

Run: 55.5 miles
Cycle: 27 miles
Swim: 3000 yds

With 8 weeks to go to marathon race, this past week started phase three of the season. The phase emphasizes lactate threshold, or tempo-paced workouts.

In the midst of the hot and humid summer, the group opted out of the Tuesday tempo workout. I still managed a 3 mile tempo. We got together for the workout on Thursday on the measured road course. Nothing spectacular to report--all managed the 30 minutes of T-pace.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Burning River 100 Mile Endurance Run

The day is here. About 175 registered for the inugural BR100. The planning comittee has been on task for about 18 months now and its hard to believe that tomorrow is the race. A live webcast is planned for all to follow the action. The first updates expected by mid-day.

The point-to-point course near Cleveland/Akron, Ohio connects the various local park systems, including the Cleveland Metroparks, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and Summit County Metroparks. The course's mix of roads, trails, and towpath provides the potential for a fast course.

I'll be at Station Rd. Bridge aid station (M30 & 36) with 25+ volunteers from the Second Sole (Rocky River) running group.

There was a nice feature article in Wednesday's Cleveland Plain Dealer that previews the event.

I heard at the pre-race brief that Sean Andrish is possibly entered. Along with Mark Godale and Kip Brady, the front end of the race appears to be fast. Also, 17 year-old Michael Hayden is here and I heard he's gunning for a Junior National record of some sort.

About 155 runners expected to start. Its going to be warm and muggy with highs in the upper-80s. Just what you'd expect in Ohio in August.

I hope to come home Sunday with some fun stories.